class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide
# Introduction to Leaflet ## UF R Meetup ### Justin Millar ### 2018/04/18 --- class: inverse, center, middle ### So what is Leaflet? --- # What is Leaflet? `leaflet` is a package in R that can create interactive maps -- ## What is Leaflet, really? Leaflet is actually a JavaScript library, and the `leaflet` package is a wrapper that allows us to create Leaflet JavaScript using R code This isn't really important for using Leaflet in R applications, but may be handy to know for the future --- ```r install.packages("leaflet") library(leaflet) leaflet() %>% setView(lat = 29.6436, lng = -82.3549, zoom = 14) %>% addTiles() ```
--- class: inverse, center, middle ### So kinds of R data can I use? --- Regular old base R dataframe/matrix with lng/lat columns Spatial objects from the `sp` package * SpatialDataframes * SpatialLines * Polygons (from shp files) Map objects from the `maps` package ```r fl_counties <- maps::map("county", "florida", fill = TRUE, plot = FALSE) leaflet(data = fl_counties) %>% addTiles() %>% addPolygons(fillColor = topo.colors(10, alpha = NULL), weight = 1, color = 'black') ``` ---
--- class: inverse, center, middle ### Ok, that's great. But the interaction is more than just zooming in and out, right? --- ### Labels ```r fl_map <- leaflet(data = fl_counties) %>% addTiles() %>% addPolygons(fillColor = topo.colors(10, alpha = NULL), weight = 1, color = 'black', label = ~as.character(names)) ``` -- ### Markers ```r fl_map %>% addMarkers(lat = 29.64833, lng = -82.34944, popup = "University of Florida") ``` -- ### Highlighting ```r fl_map %>% addPolygons(highlightOptions(color = "red", weight = 3)) ``` ---
--- class: inverse, center, middle ### What about rasters? --- ## Rasters ```r worldclim <- raster::getData("worldclim", var = "bio", res = 10) r <- worldclim[[2]] pal <- colorNumeric("RdYlBu", values(r), na.color = "transparent") leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% addRasterImage(r, colors = pal, opacity = 0.8) %>% addLegend(pal = pal, values = values(r), title = "worldclim[[2]]") ``` --- <<<<<<< HEAD
--- class: inverse, center, middle ### OK, so what do I do with this? --- # Applications of Leaflet Leaflet maps can be embeded into HTML-based RMarkdown files (including presentations like this one!) * if you're interested, these slides were made with the [`xaringan` package]( -- You can export Leaflet maps as an image with `mapview` package: ```r library(mapview) mapview::mapshot(fl_map, file = "Florida_Counties.png") ``` -- ## SHINY!! --- class: inverse, center, middle # Shiny Example